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Re: A possible suggestion (wrt "Take me off the list")

> While such automated mechanisms have their problems when email
> addresses get differently munged over time, it seems hard to believe
> that this is as common an excuse as would be needed to explain the
> recent rash of "take me off" messages.

Perhaps the problem *is* a security issue (although not specifically www):
I run a couple of small local mailing lists at home, and I've gotten a
couple of subscription requests that were forged.  One was sent to a large
number of lists and the other had suspicious headers.  This is only
speculation however.

Alan Batie                     ------        X.400: same day delivery
batie@aahz.jf.intel.com        \    /        ...in a nanosecond world.
+1 503-264-8844 (voice)         \  /         --Marshall Rose
